
Down the road from here at Broadheath, behind the retail park, they’re building a load of new houses. This involves demolishing some Victorian factory/industrial units, which if nothing else provides me with some photographic content. The beautiful linotype works (pictured below in sunnier days) seems to be protected from destruction I’m pleased to see- it’s currently covered in scaffolding and plastic sheets. I’m guessing it’s being converted into flats.

I’m hopping back to Thursday’s post musically and an early St Etienne B-side that I’m enjoying again. Filthy was the other side of the Only Love Can break Your Heart single, their debut, and has a deliciously murky sampled wah-wah guitar part and a rap from the then teenage Q-Tee. Everything, from the drums up, is drenched in reverb.


The other version of Filthy which has appeared on various compilations and 12″ singles is a dubbed out version, Pete and Bob going mad with the echo unit.

Studio Kinda Filthy