
A bonus post for Saturday night, just because. Lots of people I know are off to Castlefield tonight to watch New Order. I hope they have a great time. I’m not going (wife is away overnight so I’m here with the kids) and I’m not getting into the whole debate I’ve spent some time having with different people about the current incarnation of the group.

In 1985 New Order released Lowlife, one of their many, many 80s peaks. On it, opening side two, was an instrumental called Elegia, a tribute to Ian Curtis. The verison on the album was under five minutes. When the Retro boxed set came out in 2002 the bonus fifth disc contained the full length seventeen minute version. It is very beautiful and very long. And here it is…

Elegia (Full length version)

One Response

  1. beautifully put.

    I’m another who won’t go see the current New Order line-up. Can’t bring myself to. Certainly not prepared to pay the rip-off ticket prices.

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