I was 16 years old when Alex Ferguson arrived at Manchester United. I’m 43 in eleven days time. He’s managed the club I support all my adult life. What’s more I was a regular at Old Trafford throughout the Ron Atkinson years and Ferguson’s early days and remember what it was like before we were ‘the biggest football club in the world’ TM. It seems inconceivable that he won’t be there. But then again, let’s not get carried away- no one’s died, it’s only a game. Nothing lasts forever.

What digs at me though is that without him there (and soon the last of the old guard- Giggs, Scholes- will be gone too) is that within three years United will be just another rich, big club playing the Euromoneyball, three year cycle, managerial-merry-go-round, the same as all the rest. I know some of you won’t give a fuck either way. I know that for some of you there are less rewarding ways to spend money watching football (hello Airdrie, hello York City). Although maybe that isn’t less rewarding- I dunno. Yes, we have been spoilt. Yes, it is all over now. Let’s see what happens next.

NB Please, please, please, don’t let it be Mourinho. 

We Live On The Edge Of A Body Of Water

I don’t find myself listening to coke ravaged, long lost, classicist rock (70s variant) very often, Neil Young excepted and even him not that much any more, but sometimes a little bit of Dennis Wilson goes a long way.

Pacific Ocean Blues