The Sabresonic 30th Q&A Plus Weatherall Remix Friday Sixteen

Back in November we (The Flightpath Estate team) and Waka at The Golden Lion put on an event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of Sabresonic, the debut album by Sabres Of Paradise. We invited former- Sabres Jagz Kooner and Gary Burns to a Q&A at the Lion and Jagz promised to do a DJ set. The evening went really well and the chat was enjoyed by everyone there, as was Jagz’s set that followed. 

Pete Lawton, Andrew Weatherall’s manager, arranged to have the Q&A filmed and both this has been uploaded to Youtube, split into two halves. I haven’t managed to watch to watch the whole thing yet- I’m the one hosting the Q&A and asking the questions. I needn’t have worried as much as I did in advance- both Jagz and Gary were superb guests, chatty and helpful and full of the kind of stories and details we were hoping for. But watching yourself on film is an uncomfortable experience and hearing yourself even more so (especially when you click play and think, ‘do I really sound that Manc?’). You can click the links here for Part One and Part Two

In the week running up to the event Jagz messaged me to ask if I had an mp3 or WAV file of Andrew’s remix of S’ Express’s Find ‘Em, Fool ‘Em, Forget ‘Em, one of the remixes that sealed Andrew’s reputation in the early 90s as the remixer of the scene and period, a technicoloured, ecstatic, breathless, dancefloor deconstruction of what a song and remix could be. I sent my mp3, a fairly small file, to Jagz saying it might not stand up to being played through the Golden Lion’s soundsystem. Jagz said not to worry, he’d give it a remaster and a boost in his studio. This is that remastered, boosted file, as played at Sabresonic 30. 

Find ‘Em, Fool ‘Em, Forget ‘Em (The Eighth Hour Mix) (Jagz Master)

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