Say Kids!

Say Kids What Time Is It? was Coldcut’s first record and more or less invented cut-and-paste, sample based music making. It’s still an astonishingly inventive record, filled with the possibilities that new technology and a decent record collection presented them with. After this came Pump Up The Volume and Theme From S’Express. The future is now twenty four years old.

Sign On You Crazy Diamond

…was a line in a Half Man Half Biscuit song. Not that that’s what’s here today. I’m not a fan of Pink Floyd. Most of this is irrational (or rational) prejudice formed in the 1980s. I watched The Wall and hated it. The sleeves are pretentious. The music always seemed pretentious too, too 6th form, pseudo profound. Their fans are… well, Pink Floyd fans. Roger Waters seems totally disagreeable. I don’t like Dave Gilmore’s face. And so on. In the late 80s as a student in Liverpool there was a pub we frequented, The Brookhouse on Smithdown Road, and each night as the bell was rung for last orders someone always (and I mean always) put on Money. It ruined every last pint I had. I still get chills at the sound of those cash registers.

However, as as been noted here several times, I do like The Orb. It’s a circle I can’t square. This came on a magazine cd recently, The Orb covering Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Two). It’s The Orb, so y’know, maybe Floyd can’t be all bad. Can’t believe I just typed that.