The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 26

I’m not going to make any attempt to describe tonight’s rockabilly song- it’s enough to say that if you like rockabilly, rock ‘n’ roll, or just music, then get it here tonight. The Embers’ I Walked All Night is brain frazzlingly good.

Sail To Me, Let Me Enfold You

Or Song To The Siren Slight Return. A reader, plasticsun, left a comment at the This Mortal Coil post the other day recommending Scottish folkie James Yorkston’s cover version of Tim Buckley’s song. So here it is. It used to be a free download at Yorkston’s website and was also a B-side to a 7″ single. It’s very folkie, with fiddle and a plaintive vocal, and is really quite affecting.